NOTE:  If you want to attend a Lesson/Practice Session, just come on by and join in.  There is no cost.  These sessions are primarily for line dance, you don't need a partner for the dances.

          HAVE FUN & LAUGH
             MEET OTHERS

Questions?  RSVP?
Call or text to 918-231-6888
Thank you, JD Prather

BARN HOUSE   316 West Oak   Skiatook, OK

PARKING is on the east side of the Barn House in the yard unless it is raining or wet (don't want you to get stuck or tear up the yard).  You can also park in the driveway (park so others can park).  Additional parking is available one-half block east at the city park. 






NOTE:  If you want to attend a Dance Party, it's RSVP only.  If there aren't enough individuals who can attend the dance, it will be cancelled (we understand there are other things going on).  There is no cost and space is limited.  There will be a variety of dances (line, country, freestyle, fun).  Bring whatever you want to drink (pop, juice, alcholic beverage, milk, etc.), there is a fridge to store your cold drinks.  Munchies add to the party!  You are asked to bring a (finger) food item to add to the food table to share with others.  A microwave and 2-burner hot plate are available to use.  Cups, plates, utensils, napkins, bottled water and ice will be provided. 

At each dance, there will be a Dance Marathon.  This consists of dancing 20 straight minutes alternating 2 different line dances in laser light with upbeat music.  Enjoy!